
Thursday, March 8, 2012

guerilla journal: entry #2

The House, 001

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 002

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 003

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 004

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Neil Nieuwoudt

The House, 005

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 006

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Neil Nieuwoudt

The House, 007

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Neil Nieuwoudt

The House, 008

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 009

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The Hou
se, 010
Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 011

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Neil Nieuwoudt

The House, 012

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

The House, 013

Johannesburg CBD
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Photo: Kim Gurney

'The House' is nestled in the commercial quarter of Johannesburg CBD, a surprisingly large open space with remarkable graffiti and resonant surfaces hidden behind a burnt-out facade, book-ended on the one side by a commercial bank and on the other by a funeral parlour.

--gg, march 2, 2012